Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy & Curriculum

Inquisitive Minds


Inquisitive Minds is committed to our educational mission and intentional approach to prioritize authentic connection in support of each child’s natural inclination to learn and grow. By focusing on individual needs and development, we aim to nurture the whole child and prioritize cultivating a love of learning over societal expectations.


Inquisitive Minds will be known for embodying a school of teaching for each individual involved in our organization including students, teachers, parents, and leadership by consistently aligning elite standards of excellence through connection, growth, and accountability with the intention of creating a community of resilient and mindful leaders.


At Inquisitive Minds, we believe in a circle of support. Each position is in place to create a support system that flows with ease and each individual is hired for their position based on their education, experience, and mindset as we strive to cultivate a learning environment that promotes a sense of safety, encourages exploration, and embodies a growth mindset.


Our schools largely implement Montessori principles and methods in addition to Waldorf and Reggio methodologies to provide a uniquely designed curriculum for each child to learn and grow in the most natural ways possible.

We believe each of these methods contributes a crucial piece to the puzzle of providing a well-rounded, child-directed education centered around each Whole Child. Below you will find additional information about how each of these methods differs and how we implement each method to combine them into our unique Pedagogy Trio™ curriculum

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The Pedagogy Trio™


Montessori is for those who believe it is highly beneficial for students to have a foundation of independence as well as exposure to acquiring leadership and entrepreneurial abilities.

Independence skills are taught through Practical Life works and activities on a daily basis.

Montessori at IQM

  • Child-centered
  • Teachers serve as guides
  • Play is a child’s work
  • Children learn at their own pace
  • Sensory and hands-on learning
  • Real-life learning and play

In our child-centered environment, teachers serve as guides with a focus lesson taught each day. Following their Daily Rhythm, students are then given the opportunity to choose what they would like to be working on.

We support children learning at their own pace and implement mixed age groups starting with our Early Elementary classes for ages 3-5 and moving forward with Lower Elementary for ages 5-8.


Waldorf is for those who believe that individualism and creativity are crucial and believe that students thrive within a consistent routine environment where there are daily windows scheduled to provide them the freedom to choose their work and play.

Waldorf at IQM

  • Play-based with a dependable routine
  • Emphasis on imagination, creativity, reading, singing, acting, etc.
  • Children spend a lot of time outdoors
  • Does not include media/electronics
  • Anthroposophy & Mindfulness

Specialties classes are taught each day of the week which include music, art, movement, cooking, and gardening. We highly encourage creative learning and outdoor exploration to encourage students to connect back to nature.

Anthroposophy is an impulse to nurture the life of the soul in the individual and society. We incorporate mindful practices such as yoga, meditation, breathing, and listening to your body through intuitive eating and emotional skills.


Reggio is for those who believe that collaboration and conflict resolution skills are imperative in todays world. We are focused on instilling a balance of independence and healthy interdependence for children to thrive as they become teenagers and adults.

Reggio at IQM

  • The main focus is to help children become better citizens
  • Kids are encouraged to explore
  • Project-based learning based on students’ interests
  • Progress and projects are documented

We encourage exploration throughout the learning process and connecting with our community. Project-based lessons and collaboration become more involved and consistent throughout Lower & Upper Elementary.

Our Reggio inspiration shines through our use of the app, Procare, to document our students and their progress. This includes photos, videos, and written observations throughout each day.

“Education, as today conceived, is something separated both from biological and social life. All who enter the educational world tend to be cut off from society…People are prepared for life by exclusion from it.”

-Maria Montessori