Our Qualities

Our Philosophy & Curriculum

Aside from our Pedagogy Trio™ Curriculum, which is the most unique aspect of our school,
here are additional enhancements and qualities that set us apart:


Kid Entrepreneur Market

*NEW Spring 2024*

The newest addition coming to IQM is our Inquisitive Kids Business Market!

Our students, as well as children within the community, will be invited to promote their businesses or create and sell their own creations for the community, who will be asked to support our kid entrepreneurs as they learn new skill sets.

These markets will be held during the spring and we will be marketing these events throughout Utah County.

Learn More

Mindful Farmer’s Market

*Fall 2024*

Our outdoor classroom is a learning garden that was created to provide a hands-on experience.
Within this space, students will find chickens, garden boxes, demonstration tables, plant drying racks, root viewers, ant farms, and more. This is where our students are encouraged to observe, learn, and connect to nature!

As our garden grows, our students will hold a Mindful Farmer’s Market. All proceeds will be used towards enhancing our classrooms and garden.

ASL & Spanish Immersion

*Coming 2025-2026*

We are in the process of adding

Spanish and ASL Immersion programs.

There are several factors that go into implementing these programs and information will be added here as it becomes available.

We do not have any additional information aside from what is listed here.

Unique Qualities

Inspiring the Mind

We incorporate several activities for children to connect with their mind and body including yoga, breathing, dance, and an outdoor classroom. These practices help children manage stress, enhance mindfulness, increase concentration, and build a positive self-image. We do not incorporate any religious or spiritual practices.

“If every 8 year old is taught meditation, we will eliminate
violence from the world within one generation”

-Dalai Lama

Tech-Free School

Our school implements a tech-free environment for our students. Because children are being introduced to electronics at a very young age and have access to them at home, we created our environment to direct their attention towards hands-on learning, socialization, and connecting with nature. Studies have shown the negative impact that technology has on children under the age of 5 and we are here to support a natural environment to ensure their brain development is off to the best possible start.

Intuitive Eating

We teach intuitive eating where children are able to listen to their bodies and their own hunger/fullness cues. If they are not hungry during the scheduled meal and snack times, they are not forced or coerced to eat. We will have fresh fruits and vegetables available to students throughout the day in between meal and snack times. We strive to instill healthy eating habits and teach children to have a healthy relationship with food at a young age.

Barefoot School

The soles of our feet are sensory organs and each foot contains up to 200,000 nerve endings. We absorb free electrons, which act as antioxidants, from the ground; these substances may prevent or stop cell damage in the body.

Going barefoot provides additional benefits such as:

  • improving sleep
  • normalizing levels of stress hormones
  • reducing pain
  • reducing stress
  • increasing heart rate variability
  • decreasing inflammation

Specialty Activities







“The child has a different relation to his environment from ours…the child absorbs it. The things he sees are not just remembered; they form part of his soul. He incarnates in himself all in the world about him that his eyes see and his ears hear.”

-Maria Montessori